Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Reflection on Psalm 1

Don't just stand there - do something!

The way of sin can come upon me at any moment, entering my mind like a fog blowing in. If I stand there doing nothing, it will have its way with me. I must not follow, sit, or stand indecisively when the way of sin beckons. The antidote is to delight in the Lord's law day and night. Paul says, pray without ceasing.

Help me God to flee from the way of sin in my thoughts, not to stand there and let it envelop me.  Help me run into your ways. Sometimes, the strange desire to linger in it grabs a hold of me.  This is when I just stand there, in the way that sinners take. I confess the lingering can feel good sometimes, so deliver me from that too. Why do I think, "only a taste, a moment?"  When I know the smallest taste can bring only death to me. Playing with fire. Lord have mercy.